- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Announcing the Mac Night Owl Mobile Initiative Public Beta

Would you like to read our daily commentaries on your Web-equipped mobile phone? Well, we’ve taken a big first move in that direction. If you have such a phone, and your provider doesn’t charge you an arm and a leg to do anything other than make and receive calls, we’d like you to give us a try. Just enter our regular URL into your phone, technightowl.live, and you’ll will, or should, see a clickable directory of our recent stories. Our Webmaster, Brent Lee, is still doing some of the heavy-lifting to refine the presentation, and we’ve set up this special mailbox [1] to receive your comments and bug reports. Also please let us know the make and model phone, and the service you’re using when you tell us how things are working. After we’ve put the finishing touches on this project, our other sites will ultimately make a similar transition. One more thing: If you have problems viewing the site on your mobile phone, try using wap.technightowl.live instead of our regular address. No promises, but the alternative is designed to support older mobile phone browsers, which are, alas, still included on some handsets.