- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter #357 Preview: 10.4.8 Update Delivers Lots of Fixes and a Brand New Feature

Well, maybe it’s not a new feature, but most of you haven’t seen it before. But I’m getting ahead of myself. In the meantime, I do not believe it’s the last Tiger update, as there’s plenty of time between now and the expected release of Leopard to allow for another fixer-upper or two.

If you are using 10.4.7 on your PowerPC or Intel-based Mac, you’ll have the pleasure of downloading the Delta version. Otherwise you need a humongous Combo update, which is 149MB for PowerPC Macs and 294MB for MacIntels.

As usual there are different versions of what has been fixed. At it’s most basic, the Mac OS 10.4.8 updater addresses the following issues:

And, as usual, there’s still another, more comprehensive list of changes, which you can find at Apple’s support site [1]. That may seem to be quite enough to chew over, but the list doesn’t end there.

Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter. [2]