- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter #364 Preview: Apple: Empowering Regular People

Take a moment to listen to a radio show that provides help to PC users. You’ll hear a litany of problems, and some of the most convoluted solutions imaginable. It can get particularly dicey when the host brings up the infamous Windows Registry.

Indeed, when Windows misbehaves, there are seldom easy answers, except for folks you might regard as power users. They will tell you that their PCs are as easy to manage as Macs, but there’s also a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you really cheap.

Aside from the work environment, where everything might be regarded as a chore in certain circumstances, the PC’s status as a clumsy, drab tool is still in evidence. Sure, it might be easy enough to check your email or call up your favorite Web site. But as soon as you take the experience beyond the basics, things may work just fine. Or they might go wrong in ways that are frightening to contemplate, and that’s before you consider the possibility of a malware infection of some sort.

Back at the office, of course, you can always call upon the IT person to make sense of it all. I suppose you can also ring up “The Geek Squad” to service your home PC box, but that can get mighty expensive really fast.

Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter. [1]