- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter #506 Preview: Isn’t it Time for the
Mac Media to Stop Using the Word “Mac”?

In the days of the Apple II, magazines devoted to these pioneering personal computers would generally have the word “Apple” as an intrinsic part of the title. Well, it stands to reason, particularly since that was pretty much all Apple Computer was about in those days.

It’s also quite logical that, when the Mac appeared, a new generation of media resources with the Mac prefix came about. While many of the early entrants into this new information category are no longer with us, there is still Macworld, same name, although the print publication is a whole lot slimmer than it used to be. However, that’s the way of the print world these days; it’s not as if Macworld did anything wrong.

Certainly in keeping with that worthwhile tradition, we began roughly a decade ago as The Mac Night Owl. At the beginning, a hefty portion of our content was Mac specific. However, Apple, in its infinite wisdom, decided to move our focus into new directions.

Sure, Apple sold various and sundry Mac peripherals over the years, but the main topic of interest was their lineup of personal computers; that is, until the iPod came along. Suddenly there was a product without the telltale “Mac” in the title that actually sold more units. To the surprise of many, most of the customers were actually users of Windows PC.

What a strange development that was.

Story continued in this week’s Tech Night Owl Newsletter. [1]