- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter Issue #643: Apple’s Quiet OS Anniversary

Apple traditionally doesn’t get involved in reliving at the past. You no longer have anniversary edition Macs, or similar specialty products to observe one significant event or another. Apple is looking at the future, and the next great product that will revolutionize a market and grow the bottom line.

So you probably haven’t heard about a certain eleventh anniversary that went mostly uncelebrated on March 23, 2012. But that singular event signaled a sea change at Apple, one that has affected most of their products, including the new iPad.

What am I talking about? Well, Mac OS X of course — or OS X, as it’s generally known these days. But for me it actually started in August of 2000, when I was summoned to the San Francisco headquarters of CNET to meet with an Apple PR representative to discuss the forthcoming release of a Public Beta version of the new OS. The official release of 10.0 occurred on March 23, 2001.

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