- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter Issue #684: More Dumb Suggestions for Possible Apple Products

As many of you recall, Tim Cook has said on more than one occasion that Apple wants to delight customers in building the products they never thought they’d need, but become impossible to live without once they use them. Sure, the statement is hype, but this is the sort of thing for which Apple is famous. Ask anyone who has embraced an iPhone or an iPad into their lifestyle, not to mention Macs and even iPods.

Sure, there are some so-called media pundits who delight in telling you how they abandoned Apple’s walled garden as if they were refugees from a cult that attempted to rule their lives. They adopt the gadget-du-jour, but may or may not return to Apple once their illusions of a better life are shattered.

At the same time, it’s understandable that people will speculate about what products Apple ought to make, assuming that they actually have any grasp on what products will not just sell but start a revolution. Sometimes they even come out with an idea or two that makes enough sense to presage what Apple will actually do.

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