- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter Issue #771: Have Apple’s Announcements Really Been Sabotaged?

As the media begins to recover from bashing Apple about the purported online leaks of nude celebrity photos, an iTunes outage and other ills, speculation turned again to just what will be revealed on Tuesday, September 9th (The Night Owl’s birthday). There are certainly more clues than usual that it’s about more than a couple of new iPhones and the release of iOS 8.

There was, for example, the report that some fashion reporters are among those invited to the media event. That implies far more than smartphones and operating systems, and such mainstream newspapers as The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal have offered information from the usual “informed sources” that a wearable, perhaps the rumored iWatch, will also be on the agenda.

Now with the iPhone 6, we may have already seen it, in the form of a procession of leaked photos and movies. One report claimed that Apple’s announcements were thus “ruined” because of information posted on a Chinese site. But it’s not as if such things haven’t happened before.reasons.

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