- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter Issue #785: The Night Owl’s Follow-up Report

In recent months, I’ve written some preliminary reviews of several products. But due to the press of time and other events, I haven’t gotten around to actually playing catch-up. It’s time that I make up for some of that, which is the purpose of this article.

Now several weeks ago, I received an iPad Air 2 for review. Apple sent a top-of-the-line silver model with 128GB solid state memory and a cellular radio. So if I need to get online without ready access to a Wi-Fi hotspot, I can order up a data program from a wireless carrier.

For me, though, the iPad mostly stays at home, although my wife has taken it with her when visiting her sister. Barbara is the devoted iPad user in the Steinberg household. She takes it wherever she goes around the house, and, when taking a break, she’ll catch up on email, the latest news, or checking out merchandise for a small eBay business she is starting up with the help of her sister.

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