- Gene Steinberg's Tech Night Owl - https://www.technightowl.live/blog -

Newsletter Issue #836: The Night Owl’s First Exposure to an iPad Pro

As most of you know, I haven’t exactly warmed up to the iPad. A key reason is that it’s large and ungainly for just checking email when in bed. I can just as well use the iPhone for that, though I agree that writing long messages isn’t its strong suit. When it comes to productivity, I am a radio broadcaster, and the tools that I require to record and edit shows are best done on a Mac.

Indeed, there is no way to properly capture audio from Skype on the iPad that I know about. Or at least when I last checked the App Store. The reason is that Apple’s sandboxing scheme doesn’t support the ability to capture audio from another app. Such shortcomings need to be fixed, particularly if there’s hope to expand the iPad’s productivity capabilities. Sure, the Mac App Store doesn’t support it either, but I can at least download such apps directly from a publisher’s site.

Apple certainly has had some difficulty making the proper case for the iPad, at least expanding beyond consuming music and movies, playing games, and managing email. Yes, you can get an accessory keyboard, which makes it easier to actually write longer form material, but the ones I’ve tried tend to be ungainly and prone to decreasing the accuracy of your typing. Well at least for me.

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