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    Did Tim Cook Really Say Anything New in His Goldman Sachs Appearance?

    February 12th, 2015

    As with statements from any notable, anything Tim Cook says in a public setting will be widely reported, with key soundbites quoted around the world. This is the understandable consequence of being CEO of an iconic company that just happens to have the largest market cap of any publicly traded corporation on the planet. If […]

    Steve Jobs and Tabloid Journalism

    February 22nd, 2011

    Those so-called supermarket tabloids, such as the National Enquirer, are notorious for publishing bad news. Usually, it’s about celebrities or politicians, and the readers appear to enjoy reading about the peccadilloes of the rich and the famous. Most of the time, those stories appear to be made up in a reporter’s word processor, although some […]

    Using Alleged New Cases to Unearth Apple Secrets

    December 24th, 2010

    The search to discover secrets about Apple’s latest and greatest gadgets has reached a fever pitch. You almost think some people are examining the trash bins in the vicinity of the Apple campus in Cupertino, CA for telltale evidence of what they’re working on. Of course, physical documents would be shredded as a matter of […]

    Has Apple Run Out of Mac OS X Features?

    June 16th, 2010

    When first announcing Snow Leopard, Apple stated that they had decided to take a break from snazzy new features, and concentrate on the OS plumbing instead. So you had Grand Central Dispatch, to help with app multithreading, OpenCL, to offload processing chores to graphics chips, enhanced 64-bit support and lots more. The number of visible […]