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    Matte Screens: I Still Don’t Get It!

    December 11th, 2008

    This is the controversy that has continued to fester ever since Apple ditched matte screens and embraced 100% glossy on the updated MacBook Pro lineup several weeks ago. At one time, you had a choice, at least on some models, of matte or glossy. But things have changed, and not necessarily for the better. Except […]

    The Apple Beating the Odds Column

    December 3rd, 2008

    So the story goes that companies with higher-priced gear will most likely fare miserably this holiday season. Yes, folks are still buying lots of high definition TVs, as an example, but they are picking the low-end or smaller screen versions. The expensive models that generate the most profits for dealers and manufacturers may not do […]

    Newsletter #448 Preview: Yes, Many Businesses Are Using Macs

    June 29th, 2008

    One common objection to Macs might be called the “McDonalds argument,” which posits that, since Windows occupies more than 90% of the world’s personal computers, they have to be the best. The public says so. While I won’t say McDonalds is necessarily bad as fast food establishments go, the food is a far cry from […]

    Not About the Expo: Does Anyone Remember CES?

    January 14th, 2008

    Over the past week, you may have read a number of stories covering the latest Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. But did any single product or concept truly stand out? Think about it. Sure, Bill Gates made his swan song appearance, but did he present any real promises about future Microsoft developments — real […]