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    The Apple Financials Report: Stock Tanks Over Record Profits

    October 15th, 2005

    In the Wall Street universe things don’t always operate in a logical fashion. Take Apple’s latest quarterly report. The company reported record earnings of $430 million, or $.50 per diluted share. Revenue reached $3.68 million, and Apple shipped 1,236,000 Macs and 6,451,000 iPods. Compare this to revenue of $2.35 billion, and $106 billion, or $.13 […]

    On the Hazards of Inflated Expectations

    January 8th, 2005

    No doubt Steve Jobs is busy preparing his keynote address for next week, making sure the slides and other demonstrations go off without a hitch. Since he’s the consummate perfectionist, I’m quite sure he has worked his staff overtime on what may be the most important speech of his career. A lot depends on the […]