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    Haven’t We Had Enough Patent Lawsuits?

    July 20th, 2012

    I find it more and more difficult to read about the daily patent soap opera being played out around the world. First Apple wins this case, and loses another. A British judge recently instructed Apple to run ads stating that Samsung’s tablets didn’t copy the iPad. This decision evidently comes in the wake of a […]

    Why Don’t They Report the Rest of the Story?

    June 15th, 2011

    So as we reported over the weekend, Apple is being sued for trademark infringement over the use of the iCloud name by a Phoenix-based VoIP provider known as iCloud Communications. The action is curious, since Apple s said to have already paid for the icloud.com domain and U.S. trademark in a transaction with Xcerion of Sweden, […]

    Welcome to Patent Soup

    December 17th, 2010

    Hardly a week goes by without yet another story about some sort of patent fight involving Apple. Sometimes it’s a company that bought up a bunch of intellectual property portfolios and is hoping for lucrative pay days to make the investments worthwhile. They don’t actually produce products or services; they just collect royalties. But other […]

    Innovation by Lawsuit

    March 2nd, 2010

    This week, there’s a report that Apple is suing a mobile phone handset maker, HTC, over supposed various and sundry patent infringement issues. Now in passing I should point out that HTC is also the company that builds Google’s Nexus One smartphone and a number of other devices that support the Android OS. And, yes, […]