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    Revisiting Professional Macs

    April 17th, 2014

    While I still run into people from time to time who believe that Macs are sophisticated consumer computers and not suited for professional work, I’m sure most of you know that isn’t correct. But I do understand the point of view. Regardless, over the years, it was generally assumed that an all-in-one Mac was useful for […]

    Pages Versus Word: Choices, Choices and More Choices

    April 2nd, 2014

    Apple’s decision to release iWork free with the purchase of a new Mac, iPhone or iPad surely had its impact on Microsoft. After existing in the world of rumors for several years, Office for iPad was finally released last week. It’s just the basic three: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Microsoft made no effort to provide […]

    Office for iPad: Free — Sort of!

    March 28th, 2014

    As most of you know, Microsoft is not nearly as flexible or successful as Apple in keeping secrets. Sure, news about an upcoming Apple gadget will usually leak from the supply chain, but software releases tend to get a higher level of protection from the teeming masses of tech journalists and financial analysts. Of course, […]

    The Possible Consequences of A Rushed Software Release?

    March 1st, 2014

    As we approached the weekend, there were some published reports of early-release bugs with OS 10.9.2. It’s typical of any software pushed by Apple, but I suppose there is reason to think this particular update was rushed because of the immediate threat of the notorious SSL verification bug. Had that not happened, is it possible […]