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    Newsletter Issue #968: Ready for the iPhone Key Fob?

    June 25th, 2018

    I don’t recall the first time I bought a car with a keyless-entry remote control, commonly known as a key fob. I did some quick research the other day and ran across an item about the 1983 AMC/Renault Alliance as providing support for a remote that allowed you to lock and unlock the doors. But […]

    So iPhone Security Isn’t Perfect

    March 6th, 2018

    As many of you recall, Apple found itself in the thick of it after a mass shooting in December of 2015 in San Bernardino, CA. The FBI asked them to create a back door for iOS, which would allow the authorities to break in to an iPhone 5c used as a work phone by one […]

    Face ID and the Single User Matter

    November 1st, 2017

    More preliminary reviews are in. The iPhone X pretty much fulfills its promise with a great display, terrific performance, and all that fear mongering about Face ID was clearly wrongheaded. For the most part, it is as fast or faster than Touch ID, and as accurate in real world use. Not perfect, of course, but […]