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    Why Microsoft Wants to Return to the 1990s

    September 11th, 2008

    Since I posted my observations about that boring vignette that passes for a Microsoft commercial, featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld, some of you have responded with your own comments. Most, I think, agreed with me that it was a yawner that seriously failed to deliver on its promise, which was to get you to […]

    Microsoft Apps and the Mac

    September 1st, 2008

    Most of you know that Microsoft’s Mac Office apps all originated on the Mac in the 1980s, before they were duplicated on the then-fledgling Windows platform. Now before you remind me about that old political gaffe about being in favor of something before you were against it, that should, in theory, indicate that the world’s […]

    Microsoft Resorts to Desperate Measures to Boost Vista

    August 21st, 2008

    Imagine if you were the CEO of the world’s largest software company, and that some of your products had shares of upwards of 90% in certain market segments. You are sitting at the top of the mountain, reasonably secure in your knowledge that there were no credible competitors out there, and that your place in […]

    Newsletter #404 Preview: The Windows Genuine Disadvantage

    August 26th, 2007

    I can sense the responses now from some of you. That crazy Night Owl is going after Microsoft once again, with another unprincipled or at least severe attack. However, this particular commentary doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the quality of Microsoft’s software. Instead, I’m more concerned with the blatant example of corporate […]