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    Newsletter #419 Preview: CompUSA Self-Destructs

    December 9th, 2007

    I used to joke how few people knew anything over at CompUSA, except, perhaps, how to overcharge. This isn’t to say that the Apple “store-within-a-store” was necessarily bad, though. As it was, some of the CompUSA outlets actually had Mac fans on their staff who made a game effort to understand the products they were […]

    Are Mac Fans a Dying Breed?

    November 10th, 2006

    Some of you might think that I’m not serious about the headline, but hear me out. Times have changed, and the rabid fandom that consumed all of us for over 20 years may not survive in great numbers as Apple spreads beyond its core loyalists. Consider the iPod, which has become a cultural icon, and […]