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    Newsletter Issue #1037 — A Vintage Mac Tale Vol. 2 — The Case of the Missing 300GB

    December 11th, 2022

    It happened during what seemed like many years ago. I was knee deep in the original Mac OS platform, and not only upgraded the OS as soon as it came available, but I would buy new gear every year or two. For a time, before my son left home to seek his fortune, I had […]

    Newsletter Issue #975: The Road to Catalina — My Audio Dilemma

    July 25th, 2019

    As most of you know, the next version of macOS is named Catalina, or macOS 10.15. But I wonder how long Apple is going to use the traditional number ten versioning before goes to 11, or somewhere. No matter. Regardless of the naming scheme, Apple has packed the usual bunch of new features. I suppose […]

    Apple Critics and the Idiot Brigade

    January 15th, 2016

    You may have noticed that, in recent days, Apple’s stock price has resumed its upward path (except for Friday as part of an overall stock market dip). After a loss of some 20%, this is a refreshing change, at least if you care about such things, or happen to own some of their stock, or […]

    If Apple Fails, Who Succeeds?

    January 12th, 2016

    So the truth is out there. We know that Samsung’s sales and profits aren’t setting the tech world afire. Most of the sales are confined to low-end gear, and the flagship Galaxy smartphones are also-rans compared to iPhones. But the total numbers exceed the iPhone, so Apple still comes across, to some, as second best, at […]