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    The Touch Bar and Touchscreen Politics

    November 15th, 2016

    A common theme about Apple is that the critics demand that features from other platforms be copied. You can find a list; it’s easy, because Apple never attempts to compete on the quantity of features but, mostly, on the quality of features. So the iPhone wasn’t the first smartphone, obviously. Before it arrived, you had […]

    Newsletter Issue #885: The MacBook Pro Outcry Persists

    November 14th, 2016

    I dare say that Apple didn’t expect the outcry over the MacBook Pro refresh. It may have, in part, been about pent-up demand for the computer, but it’s also a symptom that’s peculiarly Apple. Right or wrong, Apple did things in designing the new model that were either misunderstood, or went against what customers wanted. […]

    The Old Apple Conspiracies Report

    November 11th, 2016

    So whenever there’s a problem with an Apple product or service, or something unexpected is released, the world must end. Or at least that’s what the critics say. This happens every so often, and each time there’s some sort of media outcry. It dies down over time, as Apple manages to overcome the problem, or […]

    The Benefits of Putting “MacBook Pro” and “Lie” in a Title

    November 8th, 2016

    I’ll bet you didn’t know this, but Apple has been lying to you all along about the MacBook Pro. You see, according to a certain blogger that shall not be identified here, it’s not really a “Pro” machine. Besides, using the word “Pro” is just an old fashioned cliche, and maybe Apple should stop identifying its […]