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    Mac Myths Just Won’t Go Away

    March 25th, 2010

    You’d think that, with Apple’s incredible sales growth and product explosion in recent years, most of the lingering doubts about the success of the company would be history. Yet a few of the old myths still persist and, despite all the great press Apple receives in the mainstream media, there are still some misconceptions. Some […]

    Another Night Owl Rant: Why Do They Always Get it All Wrong?

    April 30th, 2007

    The other day, I read an article in which the author demanded that Apple build a new Finder. Before I read the article, I already felt sympathetic, because the Mac OS X Finder is badly broken when it comes to such matters as multithreading, the inability to remember position and view settings, and other annoyances. […]

    The Mac Hardware Report: Apple and the Entry-Level PC

    September 1st, 2006

    As I expected, as soon as I disposed of the myth that Macs were more expensive than comparably-quipped PCs, a few readers tried to dispute my arguments. In the end, however, their claims were limited to saying that the PC was generally cheaper, so long as some of the features that were standard issue on […]

    The Apple/Intel Report: Are Cheaper Macs Coming?

    July 9th, 2005

    I find it difficult to believe that some supposedly well-connected columnists still routinely succumb to the belief that Macs are more expensive than Windows boxes. It underscores the fact that some people prefer to repeat what they’ve heard or been led to believe rather than check the facts for themselves. Since that’s what a journalist […]