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    Yes, Folks, Apple Has the Right to Fire People Who Break an NDA!

    April 26th, 2010

    A recent blog posting from none other than Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder, reports on the sad tale of an Apple employee who got fired for breaking Apple’s nondisclosure agreement. Seems the employee in question let Woz, who remains part of Apple’s staff, spend a couple of minutes using a prerelease 3G iPad. Unfortunately it was […]

    Newsletter #435 Preview: The Night Owl Examines the Great Mac Security Fraud

    March 30th, 2008

    If you take those published reports at face value, the vaunted security of the Mac OS is just an illusion. During the annual Pwn2Own hacking contest this past week, someone easily exploited a supposedly unknown vulnerability in Apple’s Safari on a MacBook Air within a mere two minutes, earning a ten thousand dollar paycheck for […]

    Complicated User Interfaces #2: What About Consistency?

    March 5th, 2005

    It’s bad enough that a computer or consumer electronics product is hard to use. But at least make it consistent! So if you have to go through a convoluted process to perform one task, one hopes that the next task will involve a similar process. If nothing else, it means you might actually learn how […]

    The Unintended Consequences of Apple’s Lawsuits

    January 8th, 2005

    How does a company stop leaks about trade secrets? Well, if you’re Apple Computer, you sue the folks who allegedly spilled the beans. At the same time, however, you are forced to confirm them, simply because the court documents must contain something about the nature of the secrets that were disclosed. In the end, of […]