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    Do You Feel Abused by Apple?

    May 15th, 2006

    To be sure, Mac users have had to undergo lots of change in the past twelve years. First there was that transition from 680×0 to PowerPC. It meant that applications had to be recoded to support the new processor technology, and the older stuff, even most of the operating system, ran in emulation. At first, […]

    Macs for Business: Does Apple Care?

    May 12th, 2006

    Consider a company looking to update its computers. What influences its decision? Take, for example, the new “Get a Mac” ad campaign now dominating the TV airwaves. Can you imagine a company’s technical people rushing to an Apple Store after they air? What is Apple’s market focus these days? Well, to use the iPod as […]

    If a Rumor Fails, Try, Try Again

    May 11th, 2006

    Back in December, folks who like to talk about possible new Apple products speculated that the first round of MacIntels would be confined to the consumer computer lines. I’m not sure where these ideas came from, and I’ll be charitable and suggest that “informed sources” were involved in at least a few of these cases. […]

    Attention Developers: Don’t Tell Me to Dual-Boot!

    April 15th, 2006

    Amidst all the joy in being able to run Windows at native speeds on an Intel-based Mac is one big concern that’s being voiced more and more: Will some Mac developers who also have Windows products abandon their efforts for the Apple platform because of this newfound capability? The biggest concerns cover the gaming industry. […]