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    The Next iPhone: Another Disposable Gadget?

    March 24th, 2009

    It’s hard to believe that the iPhone will be two years old in just a couple of months, and that, my friends, is the duration of a standard contract with a wireless carrier. Now I assume those of you who didn’t trade up last year still have your first-generation model in regular use, and that […]

    Safari 4: 150 Ways to Have Fun?

    February 24th, 2009

    When releasing a new operating system, Apple will almost always tout a huge number of new features. With Leopard, that list exceeded 300, although some of the changes were, at best, exceedingly inconsequential in the scheme of things. But they look great as bullet points in Keynote presentations. The exception will apparently be Snow Leopard, […]

    Is it Necessary to Revisit the Mac Malware Equation?

    January 26th, 2009

    In recent days, there have been reports of new Mac Trojan Horse threats, and you have to wonder whether Apple’s continued growth will come at the expense of making the platform a serious target for Internet criminals. Or at least that’s what the tech media has been saying for several years now, although it hasn’t […]

    Apple’s Financials: Would You Buy Stock From These People?

    October 21st, 2008

    What with all the scandals about the way large financial institutions handled questionable home loans and other costly transactions, you wonder why anyone would grant an ounce of credibility to Wall Street. To a small degree, I speak from a bad personal experience, which may be apropos of nothing in the scheme of things, though […]