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    Can You Really Trust the Cloud?

    March 15th, 2013

    If you can believe the current online chatter, we’re all destined to embrace the cloud, leaving all or most of our stuff online so we can get to it regardless of computing device or location. So you should be able to go about your digital life without worrying about where the files are located, and […]

    Apple Lives in Another Universe!

    October 21st, 2009

    So far, just about everything Apple has done ends up confounding the skeptics. So when they were admonished to cut prices sharply, they sort of responded with the MacBook Pro, but this week introduced new iMacs, a new MacBook and Mac mini lineup, and kept the prices at the same level as their predecessors. How […]

    The Microsoft Death Watch: They Can’t Do Anything Right!

    October 12th, 2009

    Microsoft should have been basking in glory this fall. Windows 7, designed to fix all or most of the ills of Vista, has received lots of raves even before its debut. And that’s forgetting the possibility, a strong one in my opinion, that some of those stories exhibiting over-the-top enthusiasm were bought and paid for […]

    Newsletter Issue #515: Why Should Anyone Trust Microsoft?

    October 11th, 2009

    As most of you know, Microsoft hasn’t had very good luck lately in getting cell phone makers to adobe Windows Mobile. Indeed, recent surveys show that the BlackBerry software, Apple iPhone and even Google’s Android are faring far better these days. The newly-released Windows Mobile 6.5 has gotten, to be generous, lukewarm reviews. Microsft’s response […]