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    About the WWDC and Conventional Wisdom

    April 15th, 2015

    So the theory goes that Apple wants to hit the pause button on loading up OS X and iOS with new features and technologies. Time to take the Snow Leopard approach and deliver a release that is designed to clean up the lingering bugs and improve performance. In theory, this sounds just fine, although no […]

    Did Tim Cook Really Say Anything New in His Goldman Sachs Appearance?

    February 12th, 2015

    As with statements from any notable, anything Tim Cook says in a public setting will be widely reported, with key soundbites quoted around the world. This is the understandable consequence of being CEO of an iconic company that just happens to have the largest market cap of any publicly traded corporation on the planet. If […]

    Well, There’s No Accounting for Taste

    November 25th, 2010

    So after hearing that smartphones equipped with the Google Android OS are selling at a faster clip than the iPhone, maybe you’ve been tempted to check one out. So you go to your neighborhood wireless handset dealer and ask about an Android phone. “A what”? Now this doesn’t mean store personnel wouldn’t know, but Google […]