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    Will Executive Shakeups Help Apple and Microsoft?

    November 29th, 2012

    Just the other day, Bloomberg reported yet another staffing change at Apple. Seems that Richard Williamson, who supervised the mapping program at Apple, and had worked with the company since the days of NeXT, has recently been shown the door. If true, it would represent even more evidence that Senior Vice President Eddy Cue is […]

    Newsletter Issue #678: The Return of Snow Leopard Conspiracy Theory

    November 26th, 2012

    Conspiracy theories are often entertaining. The conventional explanation about an episode, usually a tragedy, is really a cover-up. There are actually other reasons why things happen that don’t necessary depend on a lone gunman, or some haphazard event over which we have no control. Certainly in our unique corner of the world, we wonder why […]

    How Did Microsoft Miss This?

    November 21st, 2012

    Supposedly Microsoft is in favor of focus group testing, the better to evaluate new products and get public reaction. Yet you have to wonder how they continue to come up with curious, ill-thought solutions that seemingly defy logic. Take the ribbon toolbar. Microsoft wanted you to believe that toolbars containing icons that were context sensitive […]

    If Windows 8 is Doing So Well, Why Dump the Person in Charge?

    November 14th, 2012

    Let’s start with Apple: We can assume that the recent executive changes at our favorite fruit company were the result of failures. iOS head Scott Forstall apparently got dumped for his Maps misfire, his refusal to sign the letter apologizing for the mapping defects, and perhaps for being  a jerk. John Browett was fired because […]