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    The End of the Mac?

    October 15th, 2013

    According to a published report, Mac sales are not just down, but dropping somewhat faster than the PC market as a whole. Now this is something that hasn’t happened in a while, so could it be an area of concern? Well, maybe, but it does call for a reality check. First and foremost, the published […]

    The Apple is Besieged Myth Persists

    October 8th, 2013

    If you look at the history of Apple’s stock price, even over the past decade, you’ll see it has gone way up, reached a peak, and declined substantially. Last year, it exceeded $700 for a while, until all the bad news, mostly false, overwhelmed the message of Apple’s record sales. Even when the company essentially […]

    Are There Fair iPhone Comparisons?

    October 4th, 2013

    In recent days, it has become more and more evident that at least some tech companies, such as Samsung, are engaged in gutter fighting, in part, by faking benchmarks with software tricks. To some, having the gadget that scores better must be a badge of honor. I understand that this phenomenon is particularly evident in […]

    Apple Had Better Hurry, Because…

    August 23rd, 2013

    Over the years, Apple’s naysayers have come up with a similar argument whenever another company comes out with a new tech gadget: Apple needs to deal with this competition and do something better real fast! You hear that meme playing out over and over again. So we know, for example, that Samsung is coming out […]