How Much Space Does Leopard Use?

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Recently, I visited a CompUSA store before they close. They had the latest Macbook running Leopard at 10% off. They offered to install 1 GB of additional ram at a decent price. I almost bought the system, that is until I saw how much free space was left. The hard drive was 80 gb. Get Info showed that Leopard took up 49 gb by itself! If were to add Windows, and partion 32gb just for that system, there would only be 8 gb of space to work with.

Does Leopard really take up that much space?
podcurious said:
Recently, I visited a CompUSA store before they close. They had the latest Macbook running Leopard at 10% off. They offered to install 1 GB of additional ram at a decent price. I almost bought the system, that is until I saw how much free space was left. The hard drive was 80 gb. Get Info showed that Leopard took up 49 gb by itself! If were to add Windows, and partion 32gb just for that system, there would only be 8 gb of space to work with.

Does Leopard really take up that much space?

That's not just Leopard but iLife and all the other bundled stuff. Leopard probably needs 6-7GB for itself.

I agree that 80GB isn't much, though. You could, of course, get a bigger hard drive. They're not hard to replace on the MacBook.
I have Leopard on my 20gig iPod...bare bones system minus all the other bells and whistles the installer likes to throw in. All the Apple bundle software takes a fair bit of room but I'm guessing the MacBook had a little more software on it to hit 49gb.