Welcome to Our New Forum

Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
All of you regulars have received letters from me about our updated forum. There are a few extra things that necessitated this switch that I'm covering in one of our weekly newsletters. As much as I've tried to stay with free, open-source bulletin board software, such things aren't always possible if you require good performance, the features I think you folks want, and reliability.

Your thoughts, as always, are appreciated.
Looks good so far! :D
Looks good so far! :D

We've had to play a few games to get things to work, but we're getting close.

One was to automatically turn display of signatures on, which was deactivated on many messages.

The other glitch is that a slash is placed before a single or double quote in a signature, such as don\'t.

So, folks, fix your signatures. Or if you're skilled at MySQL database queries, maybe you can suggest another fix for us. :D